FULLENWIDER-R.A. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana, Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 489

R.A. Fullenwider, Staple & Fancy dry goods and groceries, also buyer and shipper of grain, produce and wool, Hillsboro. Mr. F. removed from Crawfordsville to this place in 1871 and has carried on business here ever since. After the panic in 1873 stagnation prevailed; crops were short for a year sor two, credit destroyed, and everybody's prospects the antipodes of pleasing. In 1875 some improvement was visible, increasing gradually till the good crops in 1879 and 80 gave an impetus to all kinds of busines sint his part of the country. Mr. F. enjoys a satisfactory share of the business of the township, which his business experience, tact and energy fully merit. His stock of clothing, dry goods and woolens is large and varied, affording his customers a wide range of choice. His purchases are fromf irst hands, jobbers and manufacturers in the east and are of a character that make their owner fear neither comparison nor competition.
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